Setting Health Goals: How to Form Habits that Stick

Carbon Health Editorial Team
4 mins

Almost 75 percent of Americans set a personal goal at the start of each January. But if resolutions are all about personal betterment, why do 92 percent of them fail?

Hayley Perlus, PhD, offers some dos and don’ts for forming resolutions that stick — and this advice works not just on January 1 — you can resolve to make a positive change at any time of the year.

Do: Understand Why You Want to Change Something

When you make a resolution, you’re making a commitment to create rituals that will become habits — and over time, these habits will grow into a part of your identity, says Perlus.

“Whether it’s joining a gym, starting to read more books, or eating better, it’s all about daily or weekly rituals,” she explains.

It’s also important to not just set an intention — but to align your mindset around the why. Take time to reflect on what’s most important and what would make the biggest impact on your wellbeing. 

What is most important to address in your life now?

Don’t: Engage in “All or Nothing” Thinking

“Many of us are guilty of this type of thinking,” Perlus says. For example, if we eat French fries when we’re trying to limit fried foods, we throw in the towel on our goal instead of seeing it as a small bump in the road.

“Taking baby steps toward our goals is better than taking no steps at all,” she says. ”The secret is to keep pushing forward.” 

You will have days where you can’t meet your goal – that’s normal and healthy. What’s important is that you get back to it as soon as possible. The key to change is progress over perfection and expecting perfection won’t do you any favors.

Do: Track Your Progress

Perlus says that there’s a core principle in psychology: if you can measure it, you can change it.

“Measurements serve as a source of inspiration to allow you to see where you began and where you are,” she explains. 

That means you need to set specific goals you can measure and reach for — not vague intentions like “exercise more” or “eat healthy.” 

Instead, set clearly defined, realistic goals you have control over, like walking 30 minutes three times each week or eating 1-2 additional servings of vegetables each day.

Don’t: Keep Your Goals a Secret

Change is hard to achieve because it requires us to move outside of our comfort zone. That’s why having an accountability structure in place can offer the support you need to develop — and sustain — your new habits.

Telling some trusted friends or family members about your goal can help keep your momentum flowing. We recommend working with your primary care provider to identify your top goals, track progress, and navigate any setbacks or changes you encounter during your personalized improvement journey.

Do: Reward Yourself

“Take the time to reward yourself for growth and recognize your efforts,” Perlus says. Celebrating your progress — or simply your consistency — helps keep you motivated toward your goal.

Just be sure to choose rewards that won’t counteract your progress, like taking a week off of the gym to celebrate a week of exercise.

Carbon Health Editorial Team

The Carbon Health Editorial Team is a group of writers, content creators, and thought leaders who are here to empower you to take charge of your health.
