Standing Strong for Reproductive Rights

Eren Bali

Last Friday, June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court struck down the longstanding constitutional federal right to abortion, leaving it up to the states—many of whom have already restricted abortion access—to decide whether they will offer this crucial healthcare service. 

This is devastating news. Reproductive care is healthcare, and reproductive rights are human rights. The lack of legal and affordable access points for abortion only makes it dangerous and life threatening, especially for people of color and those in marginalized, low-income communities.

We founded Carbon Health to make great healthcare more accessible. We remain steadfast to that mission, providing access and support to our employees, our providers, and our patients in their personal physical and mental healthcare decisions. 

Here are some of the ways in which we’ve been supporting reproductive rights for our community: 

  • In November 2021, we expanded our care services to offer medical abortion via virtual and in-person care in California.
  • We have also prioritized plans to expand medical abortion in other states where it’s legal and will support our healthcare providers who legally perform these services. 
  • We offer birth control and Plan B in all of our clinics and through virtual care in all states where we operate.
  • We also offer other women’s and LGBTQ+ health services such as STD/STI screenings, pap smears, and breast exams.
  • Our group health insurance covers contraception and abortion services for our employees and their dependents.
  • We will offer financial support to employees to travel to obtain an abortion.   
  • We will vigorously defend and protect the data of our patients and employees from being used against them in criminal abortion actions.    

Carbon Health will always ensure the well-being of our patients, support them in making the best decisions for themselves and their families, and retain our dedicated focus on modern, integrated care for all, including women and LGBTQ+ people. Reproductive care is healthcare, and we are committed to ensuring that it stays that way. 

Thank you,

Eren Bali, Chief Executive Officer 

Dr. Sujal Mandavia, Chief Medical Officer

Eren Bali

Eren Bali is the co-founder and CEO of Carbon Health. Eren leads the Carbon Health team toward his vision of democratizing healthcare and making high-quality care accessible to everyone.
