Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome, What do We Know?

Benjamin King, MD
May 14, 2020
2 min read

This is a quick update on COVID disease and Kids. There is something called Pediatric Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome (PMIS) which I referred to in my earlier post on pediatric COVID. PMIS is being seen mostly in the NYC area, where COVID 19 is endemic, as well as in the UK and France. I want to provide more details as they emerge.

Take-home points:

  1. This seems to be associated with COVID infection (we dont know if its caused by Coronavirus). We are still learning about this syndrome.
  2. Contact your doctor if you think your child may have PMIS, but you are not sure (Carbon Health can help in-person or virtually if your doctor is not available)
  3. Children with this syndrome will need to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.
  4. Although it is very very rare, it is scary sounding and worthwhile for parents to be aware of.

Symptoms of this syndrome:

(Kids seem to be having this issue LATER, as in 4wks AFTER an illness that might have been COVID.)

  1. Fever: you would be paying attention anyway as this would be a fever of >101.5, lasting over 72 hrs
  2. Rash: patchy red rash, non-itchy, can be all over the body
  3. GI distress, eg: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting
  4. Dizziness, sleepiness, fainting episodes: because of low blood pressure (shock) in combination with above.
  5. Other symptoms of Kawasaki Disease
  6. Patients are notably extra-sick seeming to their parents, and very fussy/cranky
  7. Patients do NOT have the classic COVID symptoms of cough or shortness of breath

Your child will need to be seen if you are convinced he/she may have this condition. If you need help deciding this you should contact a health care practitioner.

This image showing the rash, which comes from the news clip link below:

Image for post

Information for families:

News clip re PMIS

Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PMIS): What Parents Should Know Children’s Hospital of LA

COVID-19 and Pediatric Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome AAP

Benjamin King, MD

Dr. Benjamin King, MD, is the Pediatric Medical Director at Carbon Health. He believes clear communication & education are key to fostering happy, healthy kids.
