Meet Craig Jancay, PA-C

Carbon Health Editorial Team
December 18, 2020
2 min read

CARBON HEALTH: First off, thank you for everything your team has done to help combat COVID-19. We are so appreciative of the work you all are doing during this crisis.

Craig Jancay: I really take great pride in the fact that I have the opportunity to make an impact in a patient’s life, including administering a COVID test. There is a lot of misinformation out there and being able to clarify things for patients can be very helpful. Most of them really appreciate being able to ask questions or get advice, even if they are asymptomatic.

CH: How has this crisis changed the way you look at healthcare?

CJ: I appreciate the response and strength of my fellow healthcare professionals. Most have run directly into the metaphorical “fire” to try and fight this pandemic with whatever we’ve got.

CH: What do you think the future of healthcare will be once this has passed?

CJ: I think we will see a lot more virtual services being offered as patients will always lean toward what is most convenient for them. However, we will still always need in-person evaluation for most conditions. I also have a hope that society will have a better understanding of infectious diseases which may lead to less desire for antibiotics for viral infections (this is a common theme we see regularly).

CH: What drew you to a career in healthcare?

CJ: I have always had a strong interest in medicine since childhood. My mother worked as a radiation therapist at one of our regional hospitals and I visited her frequently and loved it. I really enjoyed science and discovering how things worked. Being able to combine that with the ability to help people always made a career in healthcare feel like the right place for me to be.

CH: What activities do you enjoy when you’re not working or caring for patients and your team?

CJ: I try to get outdoors as much as possible. This was true prior to COVID but even more so nowadays! I enjoy hiking, running, and camping with my wife and two dogs.

CH: Anyone you want to give a shout-out?

CJ: I am very proud of our entire team. Shout-out to all of them for their hard work every day.

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Carbon Health Editorial Team

The Carbon Health Editorial Team is a group of writers, content creators, and thought leaders who are here to empower you to take charge of your health.
